Monday, April 7, 2014

Pinterest: Week 2

This weekend, in honor of my sorority's Formal being so soon, I decided to turn to Pinterest to help me ask my date and to include as part of the project.  Of course, my balloon proposal does not look nearly as good as the one in the picture, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?  My friends and I blew up about 30 balloons, although the picture doesn't show them all, and then proceeded to pass out before we went into his room and left Oreos and Reese's along with them.  The moral of the story is that he said yes and I have Pinterest to thank for a cute, easy, way to ask.  Following this, I continued with my theme of homemade t-shirt designs and attempted a braided racer-back shirt.  I was a little nervous for it because it involved sewing, but it turned out to be pretty easy!  The shirt took about an hour and a half, and I already have gotten compliments on it and had people say they plan on taking old shirts they never wear and doing the same thing!  I thought this was really awesome and I can't wait to build up my collection of self-made shirts.

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