Friday, November 29, 2013

Performance Art: Mall Mannequins

I had a lot of trouble trying to figure out what to do for my performance art, and before I knew it i was on my flight home to New York.  I thought about it during the break, and realized that posing as mannequins in the mall during the holiday shopping would not only be the perfect spot for a large audience, but it would also be kind of fun.  Who did I find as soon as I stepped foot in my mall?  My adorable neighbor and her best friend; two girls that LOVE to be in front of the camera.  Once I told them about the project, they begged for the fun opportunity and of course I was thrilled to let them do it.  As I thought about what it could mean, I felt that posing as mannequins symbolizes societies desire for perfection.  Whether it is about body image or clothing, people today go to ridiculous lengths to achieve what they see as "perfection."  It has come to a point where we would rather be plastic than be ourselves.

During the filming of this, it took me a little while to realize I could easily hide the camera on a table of clothes, and so for a while a was fumbling while trying to conceal it in my coat pocket.  Also, although it was able to pick up some sound, there were many comments made by passerby that are not heard in the video, but that were very comical.  The overall reaction from everyone in the store was either being completely oblivious, or shocked and confused.  Eventually, we were asked to leave by an employee collecting hangers that jolted and dropped them as she bumped into one of my little "mannequins."  Oops...

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